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Autographes et lettres reçus de New York Yankees
(page 12 sur 16):
David Robertson, New York Yankees RP, Success - 04 août 2012
Sent a Topps Heritage card, LOR and SASE to Mr. Robertson on 5/21/12 and recieved the card back today 8/3/12 signed. I sent it to him c/o NY Yankees 161st & River Bronx, NY 10451 -
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Cody Epply (New York Yankees RP) Success - 03 août 2012
I sent Mr Epply 2 4x6s, LOR and SASE c/o NY Yankees (address in db) on 7/16/12 and received both back signed today 8/2/12. -
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DeWayne Wise - New York Yankees OF Smuggy Success - 22 juillet 2012
Sent Mr. Wise 2 photos, LOR and SASE on 7/13/12 c/o NY Yankees at 161st and River in Bronx, NY 10451 and got back one signed photo (the phantom catch one), but the last name was smudged ;( Photo w/ envelope:
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New York Yankees Fanpack Success - 19 juillet 2012
New York Yankees fanpack received 7/18/2012. Sent a letter on 7/7/2012. Contents: Yankees baseball cap Magnet schedule Yankees waterproof card case Yankees bracelet Yankees keychain Yankees stopwatch Four pencils One pen Luggage Tag Two sheets of stickers Three bookmarks Address used: Yankees Fan Mail Department New York Yankees Yankee Stadium Bronx, NY 10451 Uploaded with
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Paul O'Neill (New York Yankees) SUCCESS!!! - 09 juillet 2012
So psyched as he was the one major Yankee from the 96-03 era that I was missing that I really wanted. I sent a card, LOR and SASE to his address in Cinci in Meiselman on 6/21/12 and got back the card signed today. Looks great! -
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